Kilimanjaro Marathon 2007

I ran 21.1 km (or 13.2 miles) in the Kilimanjaro Marathon this year, along with over 500 others from all over the globe. It was pretty cool. Felt like I was somewhere different...Moshi completely changed for those few days. It was a beautiful course, right underneath Kili through coffee farms and banana plantations. And a good race, considering I had just returned from ultimate laziness on Zanzibar 2 days beforehand. My time was 2:15:56 -- not too shabby, eh, LaRae?! I got a t-shirt (lame compared to the ones for the other races) and a shiny medal. Yay.
First pic is me with my buddies Stigidi and Kassim (from WOY) selling tshirts. The second, the start/finish line.
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